Suttas and Sutras

Buddha Shakyamuni taught for 40 years. He had countless conversations and gave thousands of teachings. After his death these suttas were recorded in the Pali language. In the chart below are the abbreviations for the main collections. For a deep dive into the overall collection, visit Access to Insight or Sutta Central.

Tip: When you see a reference to a sutta it often has the abbreviation. For example, the Four Foundations of Mindfulness Sutta is numbered MN 10. So Google “MN 10” and voila! You have the sutta.

=> And then there are the Mahayana sutras. You can find a growing collection of translations at

AN Anguttara Nikaya
Dhp Dhammapada
DN Digha Nikaya
Iti Itivuttaka
Khp Khuddakapatha
KN Khuddaka Nikaya
MN Majjhima Nikaya
Sn Sutta Nipata
SN Samyutta Nikaya
Thag Theragatha
Thig Therigatha
Ud Udana