
Ana-pana-sati: the Buddha’s practice of breathing with mindfulness, summarized on one page.

Audio and video teachings.

Body sensing.

Breath meditation. Also see Anapanasati.

Clarifying terms of awareness: mindfulness, awareness, insight — they aren’t all the same. PDF

Daily bodhisattva prayers and practices: that a bodhisattva continually prays. PDF.

Dependent Arising: the twelve links: the Buddha’s schema of how the chain of samsara unfolds, and how to break it. PDF.

Dharma Glossary. Dharma terms in English, Sanskrit, Pali, and Tibetan.

Equalizing and exchanging: classic mind-heart training (lojong) methods from Shantideva. PDF.

Ethical precepts and four opponent powers. PDF.


Four Foundations (Applications) of Mindfulness: bringing awareness to all experience. Where you’re looking in vipashyana.

Four Immeasurables: an introduction to a basic Dharma practice.

Four Immeasurables Commentary by Buddhaguppta.

Four Noble Truths and Eightfold Path. The Buddha-Dharma in a nutshell. The view and the path start here: memorize and realize these in your life. 

Four Noble Truths and Eightfold Path: a more detailed view of the path of the Buddha-Dharma. PDF.

Four Opponent Powers: how to repair and renew your intentions and vows. PDF.

Four Reminders: four thoughts that turn the mind to the dharma. Printable PDF version.

Five Wisdoms: five aspects of pristine awareness (jnana/yeshe). PDF.

Glossary. Dharma terms in English, Sanskrit, Pali, and Tibetan.

Kindness and compassion verses of dedication from the 8th century poet Shantideva. Print and fold PDF.

Knots: kleshas. The dynamics of reactions, fetters, and karma that block our freedom. Printable PDF.

List of Buddhist Lists. The three-four-five thises and thats. If you find them tedious, look for them in your own direct experience. If you’re a practitioner, you’ll always have something to practice. If you’re a teacher, you’ll always have something to teach.

List of Buddhist Masters.

May all be well: immeasurable phrases.

May I be of help to others.

Mindfulnesss: Four Foundations.

Mindfulness of sensations.

Moving in awareness. “When walking, standing, sitting, falling asleep, waking up, talking, & remaining silent, [the practitioner] makes [them]self fully alert…” (From Buddha Shakyamuni’s teaching on mindfulness immersed in the body).

Opening and closing prayers: classic Kagyu four reminders, refuge and bodhicitta, and dedication of merit from translator Ken McLeod. Printable PDF version.

Playing with the Taiji Classics. Traditional instructions for taiji and qigong.

Prayer to empty the six realms.

Qigong: playing with energy.

Qigong points in hands and feet.

Qigong tips. Pith instructions for mindful movement.

Resting in awareness: an approach to calm abiding meditation.

Sea of benefactors. Expand your gratitude for the benefactors who have supported you.


Seven branch prayer: an essential Mahayana practice.

Seven factors of awakening. The efforts and qualities that need to be balanced and fruits that need to be realized. PDF version.

Seven points of mind training (lojong).

Shantideva’s dedication: verses of kindness and compassion from The Way of the Bodhisattva.

Sitting and moving in awareness. Join us on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 AM Pacific time for calm abiding and mindful movement.

Sitting in awareness. Pith instructions for the basic Buddhist meditation method that leads to stability and clarity.

Skandhas: the Buddhas’s map of the five heaps of experience that are “not me or mine.”

Soft butter qigong: a safe and effective way to ground the body and dissolve stress. PDF.

Stress and a few ways to work with it. Outer bustle is many activities; inner bustle is many thoughts; hidden bustle is many intentions.

Sutta. Buddha Shakyamuni’s teachings, recorded in Pali. Sutras are the Mahayana teachings; visit

Sympathetic Joy: noticing, appreciating, and cultivating the enjoyment of your own and others’ wealth, virtue, and Dharma.

Three marks: the way things are: what we’re looking for in insight practice (vipashyana).

Tonglen instructions: an overview of taking and sending practice (tonglen).