May I be well, loving, and peaceful.
May all beings be well, loving, and peaceful.
May I be at ease in my body, feeling the ground beneath my seat and feet, letting my back be long and straight, enjoying breath as it rises and falls and rises.
May I know and be intimate with body mind, whatever its feeling or mood, calm or agitated, tired or energetic, irritated or friendly.
Breathing in and out, in and out, aware, moment by moment, of the risings and passings.
May I be attentive and gentle towards my own discomfort and suffering.
May I be attentive and grateful for my own joy and well-being.
May I move towards others freely and with openness.
May I receive others with sympathy and understanding.
May I move towards the suffering of others with peaceful and attentive confidence.
May I recall the Bodhisattva of compassion: her 1,000 hands, her instant readiness for action, each hand with an eye in it, the instinctive knowing what to do.
May I continually cultivate the ground of peace for myself and others and persist, mindful and dedicated to this work, independent of results.
May I know that my peace and the world’s peace are not separate; that our peace in the world is a result of our work for justice.
May all beings be well, happy, and peaceful.
Kushin Seisho Maylie Scott (1935-2001) was a Zen practitioner based for many years at Berkeley Zen Center. Maylie received dharma transmission from Sojun Mel Weitsman in 1998. She then founded Rin Shin-ji (Forest Heart Temple) in Arcata, California, in 2000, shortly before her death. Throughout her life, Maylie was passionately committed to justice and devoted much of her time to work in prisons and homeless shelters throughout California. She was also very involved with the Buddhist Peace Fellowship, where she served on the board of directors and helped to envision both the Buddhist Alliance for Social Engagement (BASE) and BPF’s Prison Program. Maylie wrote this rendition of the Metta Prayer in 1994.